Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Megan.

For me, life is a journey of grand possibility, and I have wanted to taste it all: traveling, building a family, and discovering myself through passions such as running and hiking. I lose sleep dreaming and scheming new adventures for my family and me (I’m working on the losing sleep part).

I have a full-time “day job” (a girl needs to pay her bills!) but have always wished to put some of my observations and experiences into the world. So, here I am, a geriatric millennial launching my first blog about 15 years late, but also Right on Time (as my girl-crush, queen rocker Brandi Carlile would say).

My husband and I met 15 years ago in Namibia, and we just celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. We have two daughters who have confirmed parenting is hard AND a complete delight. Despite our love for travel, we tend to rescue way too many animals and are in constant search for pet sitters who will allow our 4-legged brood to crowd them out of bed the way I do.

I love life and all the ups and downs (well, I don’t love the downs, but nothing is more informative than a good unraveling) and see myself as a life explorer: seeking experiences, seeking community, and seeking opportunities for self-improvement.

Welcome to A Penguin’s Egg!